Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Let me start by saying that I understand that one might love a custom motorcycle shop SOOOOO much that one would put anything depicting that shop on their vehicle, their shirt, their cat... and I understand that you can't always just go out and purchase a vinyl window sign that meets your needs.

But what I do want to say is... THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT.

Perspective? Oh sure, that's just when shit gets smaller as it gets farther away, right?

NO! You can't just make the characters narrower and expect the effect to take care of itself, son. That C looks like it's saying, "How did I end up here? I don't know these people!!!"

And hows about that iron cross? Did they run out of white tape at the bottom there? Or did they have their drunk brother-in-law help them apply the vinyl, and a little Jagermeister spilled on the sticker before it got stuck? "Dude, West Coast Choppers f**kin' RULE!!! Jesse James totally cheated on his wife with a chick who had a swastika tattoo, that's HOT!" *beeelllllch*

Yep. Custom.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Someone buys this sh*t.

Who is Lon? Is he the person who decided that neon was back?
Is GBE a terrible condition that involves wearing overpriced sweatshirts from tourist traps?
And what does Groundskeeper Willy have to do with this... obviously he is very upset, because the shirt actually says "ACH!!!"

What is even worse than this shirt design is the decision made by the retailer to FEATURE this shirt outside their shop.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inaugural badness.

Who loves our beaches? Apparently, not the Peninsula Visitor's Bureau. Because all they think is that...


And that is all.

Is it just me, or did they leave something out? Maybe a graphic in the middle? And why the kelly green? I am disappointed not just because this is the saddest way to welcome someone to your "treasure", but also because whoever sent this to the vinyl sign shop obviously didn't ask ANYONE ELSE IF IT SUCKED. Because I know someone would have at least said, "Ooooh... ermmm... that's it??"

And don't even get me started on the duct tape used to gently mount the sign to a local landmark. NICE.